Tuesday, October 18, 2011

anecdotes: from pen to keyboard.

i write lots of lovely things in my actual paper journal but i often forget about them. i wrote this the other day and i feel it's pretty great so why not share it?

"i am longing for Eden while i sit on Earth. we as humans want to do everything in our power to make Earth as perfect as we can imagine. we invest in 'stuff' in hopes of solving our problems and curing our ailments. what we continuously fail to remember is this: life here on Earth -whether it's as beautiful and close to perfect as Eden was, or if it's terrible and tragic day after day- is fleeting...finite. before i write more entries full of complaints or errors i find in the human race, i need to remember this very thing so that i can step back and realize just how trivial we can be.

and then, at that moment, i will strive to be anything BUT a typical human.


words of wisdom for the wandering christian.